North East England
Below is a link to a list of the coasteering providers in this area. If you are a provider and you would like to join the NCC, please use the joining form here to let us know.
If you are looking for a coasteering provider please navigate to their listing and contact them through their website / contact details
Join the NCC
You can join the NCC as a individual guide and as an organisation that provides commercial coasteering....
Adventure Sunderland
Coasteering is our most exhilarating activity, the 3 hour session is full of exciting features, interesting coves, scrambling over rocky platforms, sumps and jumps.
Cullercoats Bike & Kayak Adventures LTD
In many ways coasteering is unexplainable. Forget anything you might have seen and done before with CBK’s.
Secret Spot Ltd
‘Discover the wonders of Thornwick Bay with its dramatic white cliffs alive with marine wildlife and explore Yorkshires largest sea caves. Push your boundaries climbing, traversing, taking on cliff jumps, wash offs and swimming through caves.’
Adventure Northumberland
We explore the area around Rumbling Kearn, there are wash off’s, jumps, and caves to explore